Among various forms of advertising, consumers are repelled by spam and telemarketing but feel fairly positive about print advertising, according to Dynamic Logic's Advertising Reaction Study. Among the consumers polled, the market research firm found that TV and online advertising fell roughly in the middle of the pack with regard to attitudes toward ad formats.

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Having already conquered the nation's suburbs and small towns, the powerful retailer has its eye on the final frontier: urban centers. Paul Demko of City Pages examines the record of the top Fortune 500 company, which plans to take over a former K mart location in St. Paul, Minn. Known for animosity toward unions, Wal-Mart has been sued for overtime abuses and sexual discrimination. Union workers believe the discount store's dominance is influencing grocery chains across the country to demand wage and health insurance concessions.

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No one can doubt Max Baucus's resolve, but they do wonder about his purpose, editor Brad Tyer reports in the Missoula Independent. The ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee was instrumental in the passage of the controversial Republican-backed Medicare bill and has disappointed environmentalists by supporting a Bush energy bill they see as a threat to the state's Rocky Mountain Front. Tyer describes the ways in which the longtime senator seems to have become "a Republicrat: a liberal swung so far center that right looks like left to him."

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America Online today announced its first agreement with an advertising rep firm in a deal the interactive media giant hopes will help rev the nascent online radio category. Ronning Lipset Radio will sell audio advertising spots for AOL Radio properties Radio@Netscape and narrowband Radio@AOL services, which are both part of the AOL Radio@ Network. The Radio@AOL for Broadband service carries no audio ads.

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From Valentine's Day to Cinco de Mayo, most corners of the calendar have been drafted into service by advertisers, producing such heartfelt rituals as Presidents' Day car sales. Now marketers are exploring ways to capitalize on one of the few occasions that have remained relatively uncommercialized: election season.

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In an e-mail to Baltimore City Paper, presidential hopeful Michael Anthony Peroutka notes that even as "a believer in the Lordship of Christ," he knows he's a "fallible, fallen creature who falls short every day." Van Smith reports on some of the Maryland attorney's apparent failings, which seem at odds with his campaign's emphasis on morals and strong families. They include turning his wife's two daughters from an earlier marriage over to the state foster-care system and making political donations that Common Cause has identified as exceeding state limits.

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With circulation declines hitting the industry, more and more newspapers are emphasizing readership and subscriber profiles. In 1999, the Audit Bureau of Circulations introduced a method for tracking reader profiles and did the same in 2001 for subscriber profiles. This month the board further revised these standards on the recommendation of the reader and subscriber profile committee, which consists of buyers, newspapers, magazines and researchers.

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Hoochie mama, 'hood rat, 'ho, gold digger. When The Village Voice writer Thulani Davis watched videotaped focus groups, it struck her that none of the 15 terms low-income African American teens used to describe females was positive. The cultural impact of such hard attitudes is early sex without intimacy, a high incidence of AIDS, and devaluation of women by both men and themselves. Having multiple partners was a way to combat the sense of worthlessness, some female teens said. Others tried to escape mistreatment from men by engaging in openly homosexual relationships. Davis comments on the findings of a study by Philadelphia research company Motivational Educational Entertainment.

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