It's time to recruit our next class for the Academy for Alternative Journalism, the training program for long-form writing and reporting that AAN funds every summer at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. To help spread the word, AAN is making available to members a display ad (PDF file) to run between and now and the Feb. 8 deadline. Feel free to amend the size of this ad to support your format, add your logo, or add additional language urging interested applicants to contact your paper directly about the program. If you have any questions about AAJ, contact Donna Ladd at the Jackson Free Press or Debra Silvestrin at the AAN office.

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AAN is now accepting applications for the 2007-08 membership year. Alternative newspapers that are interested in applying for membership in the association can download an application here (PDF file). Applications must be received in the AAN office in Washington, D.C. by Dec. 31 to be eligible. As papers that have run the gauntlet know, the AAN membership process is rigorous. To learn more about how the association determines whether a paper qualifies for membership, we encourage potential applicants to read our membership guidelines -- there is a short version and a long version (Word doc). For questions about the process, papers should contact Debra Silvestrin at 202-289-8484 or debra (at)

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If you thought your daily newsletter looked a little different this morning, you were right. AAN has transitioned the daily and weekly emails from staid plain-text to rich HTML. Newsletters for will soon make the same switch, once the site redesign is complete. To sign up for daily or weekly AAN newsletters or to update your preferences, click here (if you are an AAN member) or click here (if you aren't an AAN member).

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This year's AAN West conference was organized a bit differently than years past: A committee of AAN members in Northern California did most of the heavy lifting, and they've put together a wonderful staff training program that includes business, design & production, editorial, and sales tracks. "The committee's focus was on staff training and providing an opportunity to network with others in the alt-weekly world," says the News & Review's Deborah Redmond, who chaired the committee that organized the event. The conference will be held Feb. 1-2 at the the First Unitarian Church in San Francisco. The early-bird registration rate is only $75 for AAN members and $150 for non-members (the rates increase by $25 after Dec. 7). Hotel options include the Cathedral Hill Hotel and the Kabuki Hotel (formerly the Miyako), which is also the site of the Web Publishing Conference that will immediately precede AAN West. (AAN members can also register now for the Web Publishing Conference, although the complete program won't be announced until next month.)

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The AAN CAN sales rep who generates the most money in new business between Oct. 11, 2007 and Jan. 25, 2008 will receive a 10-day European dream trip for two. The trip includes round-trip airfare and 3 nights each in London, Paris, and Rome. In addition, the sales manager of the winning rep also wins a trip for two to Europe. Sales reps must sell at least $10,000 in new business during the contest period to be eligible to win. For more details, travel restrictions, moral support and/or sales ideas, call Tiffany Kildale at 202.289.8484.

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The ten young journalists who spent eight intensive weeks this summer at the Academy for Alternative Journalism at Medill School of Journalism were among the best that program director Charles Whitaker has seen, he tells AAN News. Two of them have already been offered jobs by AAN papers. This year also marks the first time the fellows have produced a website, rather than a print product. Whitaker says he hopes to grow the website as an alumni resource over the coming years.

Continue Reading2007 AAJ Class Was ‘Ambitious and Industrious’

It took us a little more than 40 months, but yesterday, the 25,000th story was posted to AAN's collaborative news site. While we'd love to say the milestone was marked with one of the in-depth investigations our members are so well-known for, alas, the 25,000th story was a recipe for "Drunken Cherries" from Philadelphia Weekly. It's true: it takes all kinds, especially here at AAN, but perhaps it's fitting that the milestone was marked by a food story, considering alt-weeklies' domination of food-writing awards over the past few years. Either way, there's plenty of content on, be it about politics, food, or whatever else you may be into. "I'm not usually big on milestones, but this one is significant to me because it shows the real development of as a deep, valuable resource for readers and for editors," says AAN senior editor Jon Whiten.

Continue Surpasses 25,000-Story Mark

Over 150 AAN member delegates and film industry types converged last Thursday at the Avalon Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles for TrAANsformers, an event designed to demonstrate gratitude to film ad-buyers for their support. Twenty-seven door prizes, all donated by AAN members, were handed out, including a Mexican Riviera cruise and an "Apple" fruit basket with an iPhone, an iPod Nano, and Apple TV. During the two hour event, attendees noshed on sliders and other hors d'oeuvres and drank from the hosted bar, but the party didn't end there. "One of the best signs was that both guests and AAN paper folks hung out way after the free booze was gone and the presents had already been doled out," says The Stranger publisher Tim Keck.

Continue ReadingSecond Annual AAN Film-Industry Event is a Hit

Executive editor Mike Lenehan (pictured) left Chicago Reader, Inc. on Aug. 30, and as a result he has stepped down from his position as Diversity Chair on the AAN Board of Directors. AAN president Stephen Leon appointed Jackson Free Press editor and current at-large board member Donna Ladd to serve the one year remaining in Lenehan's term as Diversity Chair, and appointed East Bay Express publisher Jody Colley to take Ladd's at-large seat for the one year remaining in her term. "I think I speak for everyone on the board in expressing our gratitude for Mike's service over the years," Leon says. "We're going to miss his dry wit, and also his common sense." Lenehan has served on the board since 2002 and was elected as the association's first Diversity Chair in 2004.

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