After the after-parties are convention sessions, and convention-goers might need a little help. On Friday morning, Creative Circle Advertising Solutions sponsors the Stumptown coffee and pastries. On Saturday, Associated Press' ASAP news service supplies calculators for Fran Zankowski's financial management workshop because sometimes, without proper sleep, math is hard.

Continue ReadingASAP/AP and Creative Circle Provide Hangover Helpers

Elections for 11 positions on the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies' Board of Directors will be held Saturday, June 16, during the association's annual meeting in Portland. Nine incumbents and two new candidates have announced their intention to run. Read here to find out what they think the issues are and why they want to serve.

Continue ReadingAAN Board Candidates Make Their Pitch

Sign up for wireless service two simple ways: Click here or text "Get AAN" to 21321 from your mobile device. Verve will send links to mobile versions of the AAN convention and Willamette Week websites. You'll get conference updates, schedule changes, daily poll questions and Portland trivia. Between sessions you can act like a local with Willamette Week's restaurant guide, event listings and more.

Continue ReadingVerve Wireless Puts Portland In Your Palm

One party a night is for amateurs. AAN members are professionals, which is why we've lined up after-parties every evening this week in Portland.

Thursday’s welcome reception at the Portland Art Museum is followed by a 9 p.m. screening of "Touch Me Someplace I Can Feel," a one-hour documentary about Willamette Week's quadriplegic cartoonist, John Callahan. And then at 10, Dark Horse Comics presents an after-hours party at Ace Cleaners. DJ Stay in School spins while AAN delegates hobnob with some of Portland's top comic and film artists.

On Friday night, join the Portland Mercury staff for food, drink and some of the city's best DJs at the Ace Hotel. There's a rumor going around that the evening's entertainment will feature vicious canines dueling to the death, a traditional Portland pastime. The Mercury party kicks off at 8. If you're feeling mobile that evening, perhaps you would prefer to hop aboard the BarFly Bus (which stirred some controversy recently) for a tour of all-nude revues with hostess and party girl, Jen Lane. The bus takes off after the Wieden + Kennedy party ends at 8:30. To sign up, pay $15 cash or check at the AAN registration desk in the Hilton.

And if you find yourself looking for a short respite from the racket emanating from the stage at the Pre1 Party on Saturday evening, take a break by crossing the street to the Saucebox, which will be offering a special cocktail in honor of our special brand of alt-ness.

Continue ReadingMore Parties in PortlAANd

There will be lots of parties this weekend in Portland, but if you have any musical talent the last one will be hard to top. On Saturday evening, Pre1 Software will host a jam session at the Tugboat Brewing Company, a funky little club where they'll supply the instruments so you can take turns onstage rocking out with your fellow AANies. Or you can just stop by for some microbrews and join the shindig.

Continue ReadingPre1 Party: Your Turn to be a Rock Star

Thursday night's opening reception at the Portland Art Museum: Mingle with other AAN-types while sipping Widmers, wine or 360 Vodka and munching on light hors d'oeuvres in the museum's outdoor sculpture garden. The big Rembrandt show is just a few steps away.

Friday's rooftop reception at Wieden + Kennedy: One of the world's top ad agencies will entertain conventioneers with Motown music and a transcendant view of the Pearl District, and AAN and Willamette Week will provide the drinks and light hors d'oeuvres.

Saturday’s "Dinner in the Sky" at Oregon Health & Science University's Kohler Pavillion: Take a streetcar to the Portland Aerial Tram, where a private car awaits convention delegates. During the three-minute ride that climbs 500 feet, you'll have birds' eye views of downtown Portland, the Willamette River and Mt. Hood. Up on top, you'll find a salmon dinner, with drinks and dessert.

Continue ReadingThe Big Evening Events: Booze! Food! Need We Say More?

Even the best-laid plans occasionally need tweaking, which is why AAN is using Twitter to send updates to convention attendees. (Wait, what's Twitter? You can read more about it at We'll use it to send short text messages to mobile devices to remind folks about events or last-minute changes.
Just text "Follow Altweeklies" to 40404, and follow the instructions, or check our step-by-step pictorial on our community blog at If you already have a Twitter account, just add your mobile information to your account to receive updates. If you’d prefer to see the updates online only, you can check out our page,

Continue ReadingSign Up For Twitter For Late-Breaking Convention News

AAN knows a few conference attendees get a little anxious when separated from their papers. Are your writers meeting deadline? Did the cover image turn out the way you wanted? Are your ad reps making their numbers this week? Fear not, nervous nelly: DesertNet has channeled the power of the internet so you can check in with your staff whenever the urge hits. The Tucson-based web developers are sponsoring free wifi in the Hilton meeting rooms, and for those who like a little privacy with their email, the Hilton provides complementary hi-speed lines in each guest room.

Continue ReadingWhile in Portland, DesertNet Will Help You Stay Connected

Toyota's hybrid Prius is already a common sight in commuter heavy places like D.C. and L.A., but have you gotten to drive one yet? Toyota and a number of its hybrid, alternative fuel and future technology experts will be available to answer questions during the convention. Green and environmental reporters take note: The company's interactive exhibit will feature a full array of current model Toyota Hybrid Synergy Drive vehicles -- the­ Prius, Camry and Highlander -- that can be taken for a test ride or drive. To sign up for the hybrid ride and drive experience, talk to the reps staffing the Toyota booth in the trade show.

Continue ReadingConfront Your Prius Envy