The Stranger's Dan Savage (pictured) will lead a workshop titled "On Not Sucking" at the AAN/Medill Writers Workshop, which will be held at Northwestern University on Aug. 12-13. Also presenting will be Chicago Reader's Steve Bogira, author of the critically acclaimed book "Courtroom 302"; Mike Sager, Esquire contributor and bestselling writer of "Scary Monsters and Super Freaks"; and award-winning reporter Julie Jargon.

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Creative Loafing Atlanta, which began posting stories to when it launched a year ago, recently sold its 50th article using the sites' self-syndication function. In light of the paper's sales success, Editor Ken Edelstein and Operations Editor Lea Holland (pictured) offer a few selling tips to other AAN members.

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Both Ayana Taylor and Michael Marsh (pictured) attended the Academy for Alternative Journalism at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. Funded by AAN and its Alternative Newsweekly Foundation, the six-week summer program teaches students how to pick and structure stories, and it apparently teaches skills necessary for award-winning writing.

Continue ReadingAAJ Grads Grab 2005 AltWeekly Awards