Discounted NewsU Webinar on Location-Based Services Set for April 1

AAN members have the opportunity to learn about How Location-Based Services are Changing the News, in an upcoming webinar from NewsU.

The webinar will be held at 2 pm EST, Thursday, April 1. By registering, you can participate live and/or view the webinar later.

Through AAN’s partnership with NewsU, the first 25 AAN members to register will receive a reduced rate of $12.95 for the webinar (the regular rate is $27.95). Click here to get the AAN password. Click here to register.

Here’s some info about the webinar:

From Foursquare to Gowalla, Brightkite and Buzz, the emerging world of location-based services are helping news organizations serve their customers better and helping cutting-edge reporters succeed. The webinar will explore how a new platform of social media networks, games and other services can be a valuable reporting tool.

Among other topics, the webinar will examine:

  • How location-based services are being used in the news today
  • What the future of location as a platform for news technology development looks like
  • About free and low-cost Web services that can perform lightweight computer-assisted reporting through mining various social signals online, including location data

AAN’s collaboration with NewsU is part of the Editorial Committee’s commitment to providing affordable training to its members. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Julia Goldberg, editor (at)