Does Montreal Have a New Alt-Weekly?

Cult MTL — launched by former Montreal Mirror staffers after the paper closed — has put out its inaugural print edition:

The paper’s editors will be handing out 9,000 copies of Cult MTL‘s debut issue – their “Student Survival Guide” … All 40 pages of the current issue are dedicated to student life in Montreal, but Cult MTL co-founder/co-owner and assistant editor Tracey Lindeman told me this morning that there are guest spots featuring such Montreal luminaries as Jay Baruchel and Jessica Pare.

When the Mirror shut down in June, the staffers got together in a bar (naturally) and came up with the idea for Cult MTL:

In remarkably rapid fashion, they dreamed up the concept of Cult MTL, a site focusing on many of the same things that populated the pages of the Mirror. It was up and running less than a month after the weekly’s untimely demise.

“Right now we can’t promise we can go weekly, bi-weekly or monthly yet,” Lindeman told the Montreal Gazette. “We’re still very indie – but we’re here to stay.”