Free AD2AD System for Newspapers in Towns Resettling Katrina Victims

"AD2AD Katrina" to be provided at no charge

SAN DIEGO — September 8, 2005 — AD2AD NETWORK, the largest provider of online classified ad managment software for community newspapers, today announced a special free classified ad system designed for newspapers in communities resettling Katrina victims.

With this system, called AD2AD KATRINA, newspapers can easily provide a free web classifieds page in their websites to support community response to the Katrina disaster. Newspapers then have the option of printing the ads, using the systems fully formatted ad files.

An example of the AD2AD KATRINA system at work can be seen on the website of the Jackson (MS) Free Press:

“As more communities across the country open hearts and homes to the victims of Katrina, the need for specialized emergency information becomes critical. AD2AD recognizes the importance of the local newspaper as the information hub of its community. A Help Wanted ad takes on a whole new meaning in the face of this disaster. AD2AD wants to do its part — AD2AD KATRINA is one of the ways we can help,” said AD2AD CEO Jay Schauer.

With the free AD2AD KATRINA system, both outside customers and inside staff can create and schedule ads using a simple web interface. Newspapers can choose to review and approve ads; once approved, ads will automatically appear on the newspaper’s website. The system is easy to adapt and customize with no programming — for example changing or adding classifications, formatting, and so on. If required, AD2AD tech support is available at no charge.

In addition, newspapers can choose to use the system’s fully formatted ad files for printing the ads. Formats include Quark Xpress, InDesign, Pagemaker, etc.

As with all AD2AD software, the AD2AD KATRINA classified ad page is installed in the newspaper website with only 5 lines of HTML code. No special servers or databases are required…all programming and databases are housed separately at AD2AD’s data center, so the entire system appears (like magic) on the newspaper’s website.

The AD2AD KATRINA system is a slightly reduced version of AD2AD CLASSIFIED, a commercial total classifieds system, in use by more than 70 community newspapers across the country. As with AD2AD CLASSIFIED, ad capture, formatting, scheduling, web display, and printing are handled automatically. The primary difference is that the AD2AD KATRINA is meant for free ads only — accounting functions, online credit card charging, management reporting, etc., have been disabled. The free system is therefore very efficient and simple to use.

Newspapers who wish to use the AD2AD KATRINA system should send email to Setup and installation can typically be completed within a day.