Jackson Free Press Introduces New Politics “Blog”


JACKSON, Miss. (July 31, 2003) — As presidential candidate Howard Dean’s political “blog” (Web log), http://www.blogforamerica.com, makes national news for its ability to generate grass-roots political interest, the Jackson Free Press political intern team has posted a new Web site and blog dedicated to exploring the real issues at stake in the 2003 elections in the state of Mississippi.

The JFP Politics blog, at http:// www.jacksonfreepress.com/politics/ contains substantive candidate questionnaires and statements posted in their entirety from candidates for statewide office, as well as Hinds County offices, and House and Senate races in and around the Jackson area. Posted so far are comments and statements from a wide variety of candidates including Gov. Ronnie Musgrove, Mitch Tyner, Haley Barbour and Sherman Lee Dillon (governor), Chris Klotz (House 66), Andrew Ketchings and Lee Dilworth (Treasurer), Roger Crowder and Max Phillips (Commissioner of Agriculture), as well as several Hinds County races. The JFP is posting answers and comments as they are received for candidates competing in the primaries. Just after the primaries, we are sending out questionnaires to candidates who did not have a primary challenge. We’ll post that information during the weeks leading to the November election.

The JFP Politics site is also designed to allow readers to comment on the candidates and their statements and answers. We are also posting links to issues-oriented articles that appear in media throughout the state. In addition, the JFP may be the only media outlet asking candidates several “fun” questions, such as what was their favorite song when they were 16 years old.

Following are examples of original quotes from candidates that are included on their pages:

Gov. Ronnie Musgrove: “Despite a national recession, Mississippi has not raised taxes or cut essential services and will not do so in my second term either. What we will do is trim the fat from government. For example, we have already cut administrative costs for Medicaid so that Mississippi’s are among the lowest in the nation. I will continue my work in making government more efficient over the next four years.”

Mitch Tyner, Republican candidate for governor: “[E]xisting small businesses should not be forced to compete with big businesses that are supported by the state through cash incentive, workforce training and tax credits.” And “I am not a politician.”

Sherman Lee Dillon, Green candidate for governor: “I oppose the death penalty. Greens reject violence as a way of settling disputes. It is shortsighted, morally wrong and ultimately self- defeating. Violence begats violence. Apart from vengeance the death penalty serves no purpose. If you can put the value of Life into the callous terms of dollars and cents it is actually $2.16 million more expensive per execution than a life sentence.”

Roger Crowder, Republican candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture: “I will assist with market development and market promotion [of organic produce] which will enhance the profitability thereby resulting in an increase in availability of organically grown crops.”


Donna Ladd
(601) 354-5291