Harvey A. Silverglate brings to his commentary on legal issues for The Boston Phoenix an impressive background. He is not only a journalist but a practicing lawyer, one with an acute sense of the failings of the criminal-justice system. His political column, Freedom Watch, won a 2005 AltWeekly Award. This is the 14th in a "How I Got That Story" series highlighting the AltWeekly Awards' first-place winners.

Continue ReadingHarvey A. Silverglate: Railing Against Injustice

After a decade at The Boston Globe, the media critic left New England's largest daily to take back his old job at The Boston Phoenix. In this piece, Jurkowitz explains why a "middle-aged journalist with mortgages" left the influence and economic benefits of a large paper for an alt-weekly "with fewer resources, less clout, and a smaller audience."

Continue ReadingMark Jurkowitz on Why He Returned

He'll take over as senior writer and media critic, succeeding Dan Kennedy, who's leaving to teach at Northeastern. A decade ago, Kennedy became the paper's media critic when Jurkowitz (pictured) went to work for Boston Magazine -- and, later, the Boston Globe. Writes Kennedy: "I was fortunate enough to work with Mark for three and a half years before taking over his beat. I learned a hell of a lot from him."

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