Rep. Mark Foley (pictured) announced Friday that he is stepping down from Congress after sexually explicit e-mails he sent to a 16-year-old male page were made public. Editor & Publisher notes that in May 2003, Foley "took the unusual step of calling a news conference to denounce a report in [New Times Broward-Palm Beach] that he is gay." The author of that 2003 article, New Times Staff Writer Bob Norman, has followed this week's controversy on his blog The Daily Pulp, and he argues that the newspapers that haven't mentioned Foley's 2003 news conference are "cheating their readers out of important context."

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Celeste Fraser Delgado was arrested on Nov. 20, 2003 while covering protests during the Free Trade Area of the Americas ministerial meetings in downtown Miami. On Thursday--the two-year anniversary of the event--the ACLU filed three lawsuits, including one on Delgado's behalf, charging that police officers had used excessive force to intimidate and unlawfully arrest innocent bystanders and protesters. Delgado, who wrote a 2700-word article about her experience, is no longer with Miami New Times.

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