He'll take over as senior writer and media critic, succeeding Dan Kennedy, who's leaving to teach at Northeastern. A decade ago, Kennedy became the paper's media critic when Jurkowitz (pictured) went to work for Boston Magazine -- and, later, the Boston Globe. Writes Kennedy: "I was fortunate enough to work with Mark for three and a half years before taking over his beat. I learned a hell of a lot from him."

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Dan Kennedy tells PR Week he gets up so early to read The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald and The New York Times, plus Romenesko, Slate, Salon, Instapundit, Kausfiles, Drudge and other bloggers on the Web. But, he confesses, "I do not watch as much television as I should." The blog is an ill-defined part of his job done primarily for self-entertainment, he says in a Q&A interview.

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