Tampa's Creative Loafing is among 24 Florida companies selected by the Florida Venture Forum to present at its 2007 Venture Capital Conference, according to a press release issued by the Forum. The conference, which will be held in February, allows state businesses ripe for equity financing to interact with venture capitalists, investment bankers, and other financial intermediaries. More than 1,200 people attended the 2006 Conference, representing 185 venture capital firms from across the US.

Continue ReadingAlt-Weekly to Present at Florida Venture Cap Conference

Don Boys chose an unusual method to complain about his portrayal in a Creative Loafing cover story: He waited two years, then issued a 1,400-word press release. The focus of his ire is "America the Theocracy" by John F. Sugg, which was published in Atlanta's Creative Loafing on Mar. 25, 2004. According to Boys, the piece suggests he is "a spokesman for Christian Reconstructionism," when he is not part of the movement. In fact, Suggs' feature-length article only mentions Boys in a few paragraphs, but it does include the following quote: "Denying that he's a Reconstructionist ('They're mostly Presbyterians,' he says), Boys nonetheless told me last fall, 'I agree with just about all they say.'" Sugg tells AAN News that Boys did contact him by telephone about a year ago to ask for a retraction, but Sugg has not heard from him since.

Continue ReadingMan Issues Press Release Refuting Creative Loafing Article — From 2004

Tampa's alt-weekly was formerly called Creative Loafing, and it will be called that again this fall, according to Editor David Warner. But a "universal brain fart'" led the paper to mistakenly make the change several months ahead of schedule and run its latest issue under the nameplate of its sister publications in Charlotte and Atlanta. "The error was partly due to the fact that while the editing staffs for Tampa and Sarasota are in Florida, design and production for all four papers in the Creative Loafing chain is done in Atlanta," Warner wrote last week on his paper's blog. "But such an error has never occurred before, and we here in Tampa should have been more alert."

Continue ReadingWeekly Planet Changes Name, Prematurely