Finke gets the New Yorker profile treatment this week in a nearly-8,000 word piece with the subheadline: "Why Hollywood fears Nikki Finke." Finke says the story is "an amusing caricature, only occasionally true but hardly insightful." She adds: "Still, I'm relieved that The New Yorker didn't lay a glove on me. I found Tad Friend, who covers Hollywood from Brooklyn, easy to manipulate, as was David Remnick, whom I enjoyed bitchslapping throughout but especially during the very slipshod fact-checking process."

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"In the three years since she started Deadline Hollywood Daily," Carr reports in today's New York Times, "her combination of old-school skills -- she is a relentless reporter -- and new-media immediacy has made her a must-click look into the ragingly insecure id of Hollywood." Finke recently sold the website, which she owned but Village Voice Media hosted, to Media for an undisclosed sum.

Continue ReadingDavid Carr: Nikki Finke is a ‘Digital-Age Walter Winchell’ Media Corporation (MMC) has purchased Nikki Finke's Deadline Hollywood Daily for an undisclosed sum. The website, which grew out of Finke's "Deadline Hollywood" column in the L.A. Weekly, has earned praise and awards from colleagues and industry insiders over the past few years and reportedly receives more than 10 million monthly unique visitors. MMC says that within 90 days, Deadline Hollywood Daily "will become bicoastal with the hiring of a New York City-based senior journalist who will report to Finke." MMC owns and operates the portal and email service as well as the websites, and MORE: Read more from the New York Times, Gawker and AllThingsD.

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The Weekly's winnings in the annual awards "designed to reward journalistic excellence" in the 13 states West of the Rocky Mountains included two first-place awards: Nikki Finke's "Deadline Hollywood" column in Special Topic Column Writing, and Tim Foley's "The Case of the Dogged Detective" in Illustration. "Nikki Finke is a badass. Period," say the judges comments. "Good stuff, written with passion and an utter disregard whether any of the studio heads, or anyone in 'the industry,' will ever buy her lunch." The judges say Foley's "stylistic comic book illustration, creative use of color and the comic book-like typography all worked so perfectly well together in this illustration ... Foley did a fantastic job of bringing it all together."

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The paper finished first in four of the six categories for which it was eligible in the LA Press Club's inaugural National Entertainment Journalism Awards. Nikki Finke swept the online categories, winning first for Best News Story, Best Feature Story, and Best Critic. Ella Taylor took first for Best Critic in print, and Finke also finished second for Best News Story in print.

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"I'm exhausted. I'm not feeling well. I'm overwhelmed," the L.A. Weekly columnist writes. She says she will return next Tuesday. Her blog has become the go-to source for news on the writers' strike, and she's reportedly been working nearly around the clock since it started. "I need a week away from the emails and the comments and the phone calls and the rumors. Most of all, I just need to rest since I've been going, going, going, since the strike started."

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In crowning her as such, the New York Observer thanks the L.A. Weekly columnist "for reminding us that all good journalism comes, first and foremost, from obsession." Finke's Deadline Hollywood Daily site has become the go-to source for coverage of the writers' strike, and has made this a defining moment in her career. "The biggest entertainment story of the year has also turned into the biggest story of Ms. Finke's career," the Observer reports. "She's demonstrated that one determined reporter -- with none of the support or backing of a media outfit, but also none of the entangling alliances -- can, in fact, beat the big guys at their own game."

Continue ReadingNikki Finke Named ‘Media Mensch of the Year’