The Colorado Springs Independent, Houston Press, Miami New Times and The Texas Observer have each won Sigma Delta Chi Awards from the national Society of Professional Journalists.
LEO Weekly parent company SouthComm, Inc. has named Lowell Sun advertising director Lauren Feldman as publisher.
"While having a tight budget can sometimes feel like a curse," New Times' Pam Shavalier tells Robert Newman, "I absolutely feel that I would not be the designer I am today if I didn't have to break out my Photoshop skills to make the dollars stretch." The blog entry highlighting Shavalier's "powerful, graphic covers" is the latest by Newman as he highlights excellent cover design being done by alt-weeklies all over the country.
The Louisville Eccentric Observer was acquired by SouthComm Communications, a company headed by former Scene publisher Chris Ferrell, according to LEO. The change was announced to staff this morning. Pam Brooks will stay on as publisher, but other LEO staffers were not so lucky. Brooks told a local blog that editor Cary Stemle, sales director Kelly Gream, and two other employees weren't offered positions with the new company. SouthComm, which was formed late last year, owns a custom publishing company based in Atlanta, as well as various Nashville websites and magazines.