Four Alt-Weeklies Win SPJ Sigma Delta Chi Awards

[Updated] The Colorado Springs Independent, Houston Press, Miami New Times and The Texas Observer have each won Sigma Delta Chi Awards from the national Society of Professional Journalists.

Colorado Springs Independent senior reporter Pam Zubeck earned the top spot in the Public Service Journalism category for her coverage of last summer’s Waldo Canyon Fire. (PDF)

Terrence McCoy — who was an AAN Next Generation Student Fund recipient last year — picked up the Feature Reporting award for his Houston Press cover story, “The Battle of Remington Lane.”

Miami New Times staff writer Michael E. Miller won the Deadline Reporting award for “Death Trap,” which detailed a Miami-Dade police operation which left four suspects dead.

Emily DePrang of The Texas Observer won the award for Public Service in Magazine Journalism for “Life On the List,” the story of Josh Gravens, who was put on Texas’ sex offender list for an incident that occurred when he was 12-years-old.

There will be an awards banquet on June 21 in Washington, D.C. to honor the winners.

Note: An earlier version of this story was missing The Texas Observer’s public service award, because we stupidly forgot to check the magazine division winners. We apologize for the oversight.

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