Jeanne Aufmuth was named president at the San Francisco Film Critics Circle's annual meeting last week, according to an article on Palo Alto online. The organization has members from newspapers, radio and television stations and online publications. In addition to writing for Palo Alto Weekly, Aufmuth teaches film classes for elementary and high school students.

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When Lisa Sorg found out a Federal Communications Commission panel had scheduled a hearing in San Antonio, she wanted her community to be well prepared to talk about how media ownership affects what news they hear -- and don't hear. So the editor of the San Antonio Current and her small staff tackled the issue of conglomerates taking over the airwaves, turning out a two-part, multi-story series that won an AltWeekly Award for Media Reporting/Criticism. This is the 12th in a "How I Got That Story" series highlighting the AltWeekly Awards' first-place winners.

Continue ReadingLisa Sorg: Taking on Mainstream Media Conglomerates