Phoenix contributing writer Lance Tapley's two-part article on the Special Management Unit or "Supermax" inside Maine State Prison, published Nov. 11 and Nov. 18, exposed conditions resembling torture. One of the Phoenix's sources provided a prison videotape showing a man being stripped, placed in a restraint chair and sprayed repeatedly in the face. The Phoenix has now posted three 30-second clips from the videotape on its Web site, "to bring public attention to the internal workings of Maine Supermax and similar correctional facilities across the nation." The video clips are in Quicktime format.

Continue ReadingThe Portland Phoenix Posts Maine Prison Video

New figures from the Yankee Group claim the U.S. video games industry reaches more than 108 million gamers 13 years of age and older, who will have spent $7.4 billion by the end of the year. Advertisers have long wanted to penetrate the gaming market, but haven't yet been able to in any meaningful way. Despite the video games industry's size, advertisers only spent a meager $79 million on placing ads in games last year--a number the market research firm anticipates will grow to $260 million by 2008, according to the Yankee Group report.

Continue ReadingReport: Advertisers Will Triple Spending on Video Game Ads by 2008