Long-time General Manager Amy Austin was promoted to publisher of D.C.'s alt-weekly, taking over from Thomas Yoder, who also has responsibilities in Chicago with CP's sister paper. "I think we've gotten to the point now where this is just a mature, strong paper with not only a great person in Amy, but a good management staff under Amy," COO Jane Levine tells the Washington Business Journal.
John Cole, co-founder of former AAN-member Maine Times, died Tuesday of cancer. He was 79. Co-founder Peter Cox describes Cole as "a beautiful writer and passionate about everything." Jay Davis, the crusading weekly's former editor, said that Cole occasionally made people angry, but he was passionate about issues affecting the state he loved. "People who read the Times admired his spirit," Davis tells the Portland Press Herald.
Editor Mark Zusman tells E&P's Joe Strupp that going through the trash of city officials was "a straightforward and simple way to hold their feet to the fire." After all, police had used evidence found in a police officer's trash to obtain a search warrant, saying that trash is public property once it reaches the curb. The Oregonian and Seattle Times disagree on whether the stunt was warranted, and journalism ethics experts are equally divided. The Poynter Institute's Keith Woods says it "borders on abuse of the tool of journalism." Tim Gleason, dean of the School of Journalism & Communications at the University of Oregon, however, finds it "quite appropriate."
Chuck Colletti and Doug Meadow, the new owners of the New York Press, tell AAN News they don't plan any changes in its eclectic mix of politics, arts and commentary. They have made what they describe as "a few" staff reductions, fired Editor John Strausbaugh and promoted former Managing Editor Lisa Kearns to that position. As for taking on The Village Voice, they say the Press will compete with, but can't dethrone, that venerable alt-weekly.
Asked how he's doing, Kurt Vonnegut says, "I'm mad about being old and I'm mad about being American. Apart from that, OK." Vonnegut has just turned 80. Although he claims he's retired from writing, he has just finished an introduction for a book of anti-war posters by artist Micah Ian Wright. Publishing aside, Vonnegut continues to be a cultural presence, speaking out against war with Iraq to 10,000 protesters at a rally in New York?s Central Park and making a spoken-word contribution to the new multimedia world music production One Giant Leap. David Hoppe of NUVO talks to the novelist, whose hometown is Indianapolis.
Pittsburgh City Paper sends a reporter, Sharmila Venkatasubban, to do a feature story on Landmark Forum, an EST offshoot for yuppies. She goes to the seminar ready to expose it as a cult, but emerges as a believer and takes what she learns to her own family dynamics. "What the Forum taught me was not an easy pill to swallow at first, but now I find myself craving another dose," Venkatasubban writes.