Stephen Lemons reports that he and photographer Lilia Menconi were denied entry yesterday when the press was briefed on an indictment against Maricopa County's schools superintendent. Subordinates of County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said the paper was banned because it was "in litigation" with the Sheriff's office; according to Lemons, that's a reference to a New Times lawsuit seeking access to public records. "Take good notes!" Lemons yelled at fourth-estate colleagues as he was escorted from the building. "We’re from the New Times and we’re being kicked out."

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Mark Hunter is among a handful of local photographers who have managed to attract some attention with "party photography," reports the student newspaper of Virginia Commonwealth University. After making a name for himself with a Web site that "has risen as a sort of unofficial underground archive of the L.A. scene," Hunter now contributes a weekly half-page of color, club-scene photos to the VVM paper. "LA Weekly is my favorite," Hunter says. "They embraced me to the utmost."

Continue Reading‘Party Photographer’ Finds a Home in LA Weekly

A case winding down in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia could revive the Child Online Protection Act, a federal law that makes it a crime to knowingly post sexually explicit material that is "harmful to minors" on the Internet. Enacted in 1998, COPA was immediately blocked by a federal injunction at the behest of a coalition headed by the American Civil Liberties Union. CNET News says U.S. District Judge Lowell A. Reed Jr. could elect to lift the injunction by early 2007.

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