20-Year Vet Cadley Leaves the Phoenix

Takes Position with Internet Company.

20-year Boston Phoenix stalwart Carola Cadley will leave her job as National Sales and Marketing Director on January 21 to start as Group Director of Business Development at the headquarters of Zentropy Partners in Cambridge, MA. Zentropy, an Internet services company launched by the advertising and marketing behemoth Interpublic Group, integrates the building and marketing of digital businesses.

“It’s very exciting,” says Cadley. “It has been a very difficult decision to leave here after 20 years, but I have no regrets about the [Phoenix]. The [Phoenix] is fabulous, but for my own growth over the next 15 years of working, I needed a new challenge, and right now, that challenge is the Internet.”

Cadley was so valuable to the Phoenix, it will take two employees to fill her shoes. Everett R. Finkelstein, the Phoenix’s top national sales rep — and former Associate Publisher of the Worcester Phoenix — will replace Cadley as National Sales Director, while Mike Bornhorst will assume her marketing duties. “The transition is very seamless,” says Cadley. “Both are totally pros.”

Cadley says that she’s sad to leave alternative newsweeklies after two decades of service. “This is a fabulous industry. I think what keeps us all here is not the mission, which is obviously important, but the people. I will sorely miss them.”

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