In response to last week's Voice cover story, which raised questions about whether the presidential candidate's four New York Yankees World Series rings were obtained in a legal and ethical manner, Giuliani told an Alabama crowd that Wayne Barrett "sticks pins in a doll of me every night" and "almost never gets his facts right." The story quoted appraisers who approximated the rings' value at $200,000, while Giuliani only paid $16,000 for them. More importantly, the article called into question the timing of the deals, alleging that he received them while still mayor -- a violation of law that could still be prosecuted. The Voice's allegations, which Giuliani says are "totally untrue," have sparked a new round of criticism of his administration, especially given his last-minute approval of a $400 million new stadium for the Yankees.

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The Drinky Crow Show, based on Tony Millionaire's "Maakies" comic strip, hit The Cartoon Network's Adult Swim Sunday night. He tells the New York Times that after he started to draw the characters in exchange for beer at a Brooklyn bar, the New York Press eventually picked up the strip for $25 a week. "Maakies," which now runs in other alt-weeklies, remains the driving force behind Millionaire's creative output, even as he branches out into TV and books. "Without it I'd still be a bum, I'd still be drawing houses," he says. "I needed a deadline. That's the code of the cartoonist: make the deadline." He also explains to Baltimore City Paper why the TV show doesn't share the strip's name: "Maakies" works better visually than aurally. "But 'Drinky Crow' is a word that's very catchy, everybody loves to say 'Drinky Crow.' Little kids love to say 'Drinky Crow.'"

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