KOMO-TV says it "has received several viewer e-mails" complaining about this week's Seattle Weekly cover (pictured), which features an illustration of a kid wearing a T-shirt that reads "Fuck School." The TV station assumes "the paper made the bold move to make people pick up the paper," and talks to a few angry Seattle residents, but finds others who certainly don't seem to mind. Managing editor Mike Seely explains the decision to KOMO, saying "I took a look at the guy on the cover and I thought, 'what is this guy thinking?' And it was crystal clear." On the Weekly's blog, editor-in-chief Mark Fefer writes that the paper didn't go with the cover "just to get attention or stoke controversy." He adds: "I take no pleasure whatsoever from knowing that many people -- mostly (I think) people who aren't the paper's readers -- took offense."

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