2014 AAN Digital Conference Kicks Off

The 2014 AAN Digital Conference starts Thursday in San Francisco, where members of the alternative news media are gathering with the top minds in tech and marketing for two-and-a-half days of hands-on learning and networking.

This will be the highest attended AAN digital conference since 2008, demonstrating that members of the alt news industry at large are embracing the challenges of the digital media landscape and are always eager to learn new skills and improve themselves.

Here’s what’s on tap this afternoon:

  • Tips and Tricks for Effective Longform Digital Storytelling. (Adam Schweigart, Investigative News Network)

  • Five Recent Copyright Issues and What We Can Learn from Them. (AAN attorney Kevin Goldberg)

  • Fitting Content Into the Digital Container. (David Gehring, Google)

  • Why Newspapers are Poised to Take Advantage of the Explosive Opportunity with Online Promotions (Matt Coen, Second Street)

  • And the always popular Show & Tell where AAN members show off their digital projects.

The full schedule and list of speakers can be found here on our web app, which was developed by Joshua Curry.

Emma Carew Grovum from Foreign Policy Magazine is available for one-on-one social media consultations at the conference, at absolutely no cost to AAN members. Have a burning social media question you’ve been afraid to ask someone else? If you’re in attendance, stop by and chat with Emma about how to take your newsroom social media strategy to the next level. To set up a time to chat, email Emma at emma.carew[at]gmail.com or tweet at @emmacarew.

We’d like to give a big shout out to our sponsors: DesertNet/Foundation, Camayak, OwnLocal, and Snap Skout. This conference would not have been possible without them. The full list of sponsors and exhibitors can be found here.

Couldn’t make the trip to San Francisco? Join us on the conference hashtag #AANdigital!

2014 AAN Digital Conference Schedule