A Special 100th Episode of It’s All Journalism

It’s All Journalism is a weekly conversation about the changing state of the media and the future of journalism.

As a Gen-Xer, I’ve had my fill of clip shows, those network TV programs where the producers cobble together a “new” episode from clips of earlier installments.

The worst offender for doing that was Family Ties. It seemed like every other episode, the Keatons would gather around the kitchen table to discuss that week’s crisis and someone would say, “Do you remember that time … ?” Then they’d play a clip of Skippy asking Mallory for a date or Alex learning an important lesson about friendship.

I hate clip shows.

So, welcome to our clip show.

Actually, we tried our best to make it something a little bit better. We wanted to do something different to celebrate our 100th podcast.

Rather than trying to score a big guest, Megan Cloherty, Julia O’Donoghue and I decided to each pick three interviews that were our favorites and discuss what we liked about them. Here are the nine we chose:

We’ve been fortunate to talk to many journalists about the work they do as our industry is changing. We’ve learned a lot and, hopefully, our listeners are learning along with us.

Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement.