AAN CAN Contest Extended

The AAN CAN European Dream Trip contest, which was scheduled to end on Jan. 25, has been extended until Friday, March 21.

The sales rep and sales manager who generated the most new business between Oct. 11, 2007, when the contest was announced, and Jan. 25 were each to receive a 10-day trip for two that includes round-trip airfare and accommodations for three nights each in London, Paris and Rome. But to qualify for the award, AAN members had to sell at least $10,000 in new business during the contest period.

Doug Elder and Robby Robbins of the Santa Barbara Independent came excruciatingly close to going over the top, but ultimately fell $572 short. In fact, the Santa Barbara sales duo actually passed the $10,000 threshold until a last second credit-card chargeback of $2,400 reduced their sales total to $9,428. So the executive committee of the AAN Board of Directors convened and ultimately decided to extend the contest period for another month.

So game back on. But it’s probably going to take at least one big sale for one of the other contestants to compete with the formidable Elder and Robbins, who also serves as the classified chair on the AAN Board. Here are the contestants in descending order of sales as of Feb. 22:

  • Doug Elder, Santa Barbara Independent – $9,428
  • John DeMartino, Independent Weekly – $2,888
  • Mike Weber, San Francisco Bay Guardian– $2,394
  • Michelle Williamson, San Diego Reader – $1,537
  • Cris Temples, Charleston City Paper – $1,375
  • Lee White, Mountain Xpress – $1,300
  • Chuck Davis, Cincinnati CityBeat – $960
  • James Allen, Random Lengths – $920
  • Sean Ardry, Tucson Weekly – $650
  • Sonia Rude, East Bay Express – $615
  • Kathleen Schroer, The ATHENS News – $585
  • Blake Green, Boise Weekly – $375
  • Brad Chambers, Maui Time Weekly – $230

If you think we missed any sales, or if you have any questions about the contests, please contact AAN sales assistant Stephanie Roswell at 202/289-8484 or sroswell (at) aan.org.