AAN Digital Conference: Real Solutions for Real People (You)

We get it. You don’t want to sit through another Powerpoint from some digital-chickenhawk consultant who’s telling you that “the game has changed” and chiding you to embrace “digital first” even though he (it’s almost always a “he”) hasn’t worked in a newsroom since the Bush administration.

Where are real publishers and editors — people who still make a living producing news circa 2013 A.D. — finding success in the digital space?

During the 2-hour-long Alternative Digital Revenue Strategies session at the AAN Digital Conference, you’ll hear from people in real America who have found innovative ways to make money online: people like Jody Colley from the East Bay Express, John Heaston from The Reader in Omaha, Neb., Andy Sutcliffe at Salt Lake City Weekly, and others from within the alt-weekly industry who are doing it right.

These aren’t pie-in-the-sky theories, they are in-the-flesh strategies that you — at an alt-weekly — can put into action the minute you get back home.

And don’t be stingy with your success stories either, the session facilitators will be calling on the audience to share their winning strategies with the room.

So come join the discussion at the AAN Digital Conference in three weeks. There is only one week left to receive the early registration rate of $199 per person, and hotel rooms are filling up quickly. Register now.

AAN Digital Conference Full Schedule

Registration Details

  • AAN Members: $199 early registration; $224 for registrations received after January 11, 2013.
  • Associate Members: $199 early registration; $224 for registrations received after January 11, 2013.
  • Nonmembers: $229 early registration; $254 for registrations received after January 11, 2013.
  • Registration fees include lunch on Friday and Saturday.

Click here to register.