AAN Offers Free Convention Registration for Best Editorial Panel Idea

Got a great idea? Want to share it with your AAN peers in Toronto this summer? AAN’s Editorial Committee invites any and all AAN folks to submit a panel proposal for the 33rd Annual Convention, which will be hosted by NOW Magazine in Toronto July 15-17. Panels may be pitched on any editorial topic, but be as specific as possible! Author of the best proposal will win a free registration*–a value of up to $375–to the convention.

“When the Editorial Committee met and discussed editorial programming for 2010, we really wanted to make a push to hear new ideas from as many people as possible,” said AAN Editorial Chair Julia Goldberg. “The free registration is the incentive, but the real motivation is to create more grassroots programming for the editorial track.”

Please send your proposals to Jason Zaragoza at jason[at]aan.org. The deadline to submit proposals is Friday, May 21. For questions, please contact AAN Editorial Chair Julia Goldberg at editor[at]sfreporter.com.

*Does not include hotel or transportation costs!