AAN Rebates $140,000 to Member Papers

Payments distributed to AAN CAN participants.

AAN last week mailed rebate checks totaling $140,000 to the 104 member papers that participated in the association’s fledgling Classified Advertising Network (AAN CAN).

Launched just last November, AAN CAN generated over $440,000 in revenue by the time AAN’s Fiscal Year 2000 came to a close on Sept. 30. As the Board of Directors promised when the program was approved last year, rebates were paid from a pool equal to 50 percent of the AAN CAN surplus exceeding $100,000 (the surplus was determined by subtracting direct expenses from program revenue).

The rebates ranged from a low of $100 to a high of $1700, with 80% of participating papers receiving at least $1250. The size of each paper’s payment was tied to its level of participation in the program, measured in terms of ad placement.

About three dozen papers also sold ads into the network, earning more than $40,000 in commissions. Tucson Weekly alone collected over $13,000 in AAN CAN commissions.

In a letter to publishers and classified managers announcing the rebates, AAN Executive Director Richard Karpel said “It’s important to remember that AAN CAN allows us to improve programs and services, like the annual convention and the Medill workshop, without increasing dues rates. It also helps to pay for new programs like regional sales training seminars, the classified conference and a libel hotline (which will be instituted before the end of the year).”