AAN Urges Members to Join Nationwide Editorial on Protection of the Free Press

AAN is urging its members to consider joining a nationwide effort by newspapers to publish an editorial this week calling for the protection of press freedom and warning against the dangers of Trump’s attack on journalism.

Newspaper associations across the country are reaching out to editorial boards in an effort to organize a coordinated response to attacks on the First Amendment through repeated “fake news” rhetoric.

AAN has made several resources available through its listservs to members interested in participating. If you are an AAN member and plan to publish something in-print or online this week, please contact us at web@aan.org so that we can keep tally of participating members. If you did not receive the info and wish to participate, please contact us at that same email address.

As one coordinator of the effort put it: “The impact of Trump’s assault on journalism looks different in Boise than it does in Boston. Our words will differ. But at least we can agree that such attacks are alarming.”

We at AAN agree wholeheartedly and urge all of our members to consider standing in solidarity with all of our media partners in this effort to protect a free and independent press.

Jason Zaragoza
Executive Director
Association of Alternative Newsmedia