Alt-Weeklies Tighten Lock on Young Readers

New data available for the first time to AAN shows the median age of member papers’ readers at just under 40, eight percent lower than the national median, and median household income at just over $50,000, eight percent higher than the national market median.

Not only that, a comparison of the new 2001 data to 2000 shows the alternative newspaper’s demographics inching higher in the desirable 18-to-34 year age range: 39 percent of AAN paper readers are in that age range, compared with 38 percent in 2000. That is 23 percent higher than the total for that group.

AAN purchased this updated national alternative-weekly readership research information, which is compiled from all the individual Media Audit markets in which AAN has member newspapers. This custom compilation of 2001 readership numbers is the first time the AAN national office has had such information specifically for its member base.

“Having this information will bolster AAN’s marketing efforts by providing more up-to-date and specific data to potential advertisers and industry sectors interested in reaching alternative newsweekly readers,” says Marketing and Sales Manager Elaine Clisham. “It’s further proof that our member papers are reaching the young, affluent urban demographic advertisers want so desperately.”

Alternative weekly readers are:

73% between 18 and 49 years old (compared with 64% for the overall market)
59% in the 25-49 age bracket (against 52%)
25% more likely than the market overall to be college graduates
36% more likely to be heavy Internet users
27% more likely to be planning to buy a car in the coming year
35% more likely to be planning to buy a used car in the coming year
32% more likely to be planning to buy a home in the next two years
52% more likely to be regular readers of newspaper employment classifieds.

In addition:

42% do not watch prime-time broadcast television on an average weekday
41% do not listen to morning drive radio on an average weekday
72% NEVER read employment ads on the Internet
27% don’t see a Sunday newspaper regularly.

These numbers all represent four-week cumulative readership.