Alt-Weekly Cartoonist Releases New Book

Lloyd Dangle takes no prisoners in newest collection of his nationally syndicated weekly cartoons, which has been heralded by news editors and readers everywhere.

Oakland, CA May 17, 2007 — Latest comic tome from widely followed (even by the Department of Homeland Security) cartoonist Lloyd Dangle, takes on topics like war, terror, ethics, consumerism, religion, 9/11 and corporate greed in what is destined to become the definitive account of the George Dubya Bush Years. And there are jokes — plenty of jokes — crammed in without an inch to spare.

“This book captures the current situation in America, a moment in time that will go down in history as our country’s most boneheaded,” says Dangle, “and crude comics full of insults and nasty takedowns are the only fitting way to explain it.”

Troubletown can be found online at

Lloyd’s blog is also widely read and can be found at

Sleaze, scandals and phony intelligence. Lies, wars and creative accounting. They’re the symbols of our age and Dangle reveals how we got to this point in his terrific collection of Troubletown syndicated cartoons.

Matt Groenig said, “Troubletown by Lloyd Dangle is terrific”, and Dan Savage said, “Thank God, there’s at least one person out there who can clearly see the lies and the malice and he’s still got a sense of humor.”

Syndicated in dozens of cities, Troubletown has enjoyed a devoted “Dangled” following for over 15 years, and Dangle has been oft-cited as a new breed of satirist whose wit and humor challenges the mainstream with innovative and engaging cartoons.

Dangle’s hope is that someday a cartoon reader will come up and say, “Your cartoons are so funny, I almost swallowed my tongue.” To that end, the cartoonist will be in a featured booth at the upcoming SURTEX 2007 event in New York and available for interviews or to perform CPR on any victims of tongue-asphyxiation due to reading “Troubletown”.

Dangle grew up in Michigan and after attaining a BFA at Univ. of Michigan he drew cartoons for Michael Moore’s (much lauded and reviled) muckraking newspaper, the Michigan Voice.

Lloyd’s work as a cartoonist has been featured in leading publications including American Lawyer, San Francisco Chronicle, Mother Jones, Motorbooty, The Nation, The New York Times, Outside, Time Magazine, Utne Reader, Village Voice and Wired.

Lloyd was also the first cartoonist assigned to cover the Republican Convention armed only with a drawing pen and blank sketchbook. Normally he works out of his converted garage in Oakland, California, and in addition to cartooning for newspapers and magazines, he is the creator of the funny pictures on the package for Airborne, the number-one-selling cold remedy in Dangle’s words, “the history of the universe.”

Dangle’s speaking engagements have been heralded as both entertaining and captivating and his wit, humor and charm are applicable in almost every setting (unless it’s a meeting of Cheney, Scalia and pals to share “hunting” stories.)

Dangle can be booked through his publicist, Nettie Hartsock, who can be reached at or 512-396-1067. Reviewer copies and requests for interviews can also be made through Ms. Hartsock.