Are You Board Timber?

If you are smart, creative and articulate, and are willing to devote some of your time to helping the alt-weekly business flourish, you should consider running for one of the nine seats that open this year on the AAN Board of Directors. Here is a list of the open positions, followed by the names of the incumbents:

  • President – Stephen Leon, Metroland
  • Vice President – Mark Zusman, Willamette Week
  • Organization/Bylaws – Bill Bleakley, Oklahoma Gazette
  • Classified Advertising – Robby Robbins, Santa Barbara Independent
  • Display Advertising – Blair Barna, Charleston City Paper
  • Editorial – Patricia Calhoun, Westword
  • First Amendment – Tim Redmond, San Francisco Bay Guardian
  • At-Large – Mark Bartel, City Pages (Minneapolis)
  • Convention – Tom Lee, Tucson Weekly

    The only thing we know for sure at this point is that Stephen Leon, in an appointment ordained by Article IV, Section 3 of the AAN bylaws, will replace Memphis Flyer‘s Ken Neill as immediate past president. We also know that Mark Zusman plans to continue in the long line of AAN vice-presidents who step up to the presidency. And we know that Ken Neill will assume a new, honorary seat that we are calling immediate past sommelier. It’s a lifetime sinecure.

    We’ll leave it to another blog post to let you know which incumbent board members plan to seek reelection. In the meantime, we want to encourage active members to consider running for the board. If you have any interest in serving on the board or on a committee — which is a sensible stepping-stone to a board position — feel free to contact me for more information about the responsibilities and privileges of board and committee service.

    The elections will be held on Saturday, June 27, during the annual meeting on the final day of the convention in Tucson.