Thursday, April 16 will unofficially be alt-weekly day at the Columbia Journalism School, with a panel discussion on the state of the alt-weekly industry followed by an informal reception.
Lucy Dalglish, the executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP), will be the First Amendment Lunch speaker at this year's AAN Convention. She will discuss what we can expect from the Obama administration in terms of open government and press freedom issues.
The Stranger's editorial director and syndicated sex columnist has been tapped to reprise his role as host of the AltWeekly Awards Luncheon at this year's AAN Convention.
Google has agreed to sponsor the opening night cocktail reception at this year's convention, and will also be making presentations focusing on both its ad-server software Ad Manager, and its ad network AdSense. The Ad Manager presentation will be a follow-up to an exclusive webinar for AAN members led by senior ad serving consultant Mark Wolly. All AAN member publishers and senior managers will receive email invitations to the webinar, which is scheduled for April 23, and there is no limit to the number of people at each company who can participate. The 32nd Annual AAN Convention is scheduled for June 25-27 in Tucson.
Eighty-six alt-weeklies submitted 1038 entries for consideration in the 2009 AltWeekly Awards contest. The entries were spread over 21 categories, and, as expected, the total number of entries was down from 2008, by about 25 percent. Finalists for this year's contest will be announced in mid-May, and winners will be crowned at the AltWeekly Awards luncheon, to be held on Friday, June 26 during the 32nd annual AAN Convention in Tucson.
Attention sales reps! The top AAN CAN seller between Feb. 9 and April 30 will win his or her choice of a trip to an all-inclusive Caribbean resort or a Caribbean cruise. The winner must meet the individual goal of at least $7,500 of new AAN CAN advertising sold during the contest period. Check out this PDF for more details and contest rules. Each week AAN is also paying $100 to the top salesperson in dollar volume placing paid AAN CAN advertising that week. In addition, the AAN CAN media kit was recently updated with current information on regional and national rates, participating papers, and circulations. You can download it here.
AAN headquarters will be closed Monday and Tuesday in observance of the Federal holidays.
AAN's new eighth-page display ad network, known as AAN BRAN, published its first network-wide ad the week of Dec. 8. The ad, from the charity Direct Relief International, ran in scores of papers across the country and was sold by Evan Wells of the Santa Barbara Independent. Click through to learn more about the new program.
The application deadline for newspapers to apply for AAN membership is Dec. 31, 2008. You can download an application here, or contact AAN to have one mailed to you. After a rigorous vetting process, the Membership Committee will issue its recommendations prior to June's convention in Tucson, where all members will have the chance to vote on the applicants. You can find links to the Membership Committee's admission guidelines and the AAN bylaws on the Membership page of our site. If you have any additional questions about membership, please call 202-289-8484 or email Debra Silvestrin at debra (at)