"I'm exhausted. I'm not feeling well. I'm overwhelmed," the L.A. Weekly columnist writes. She says she will return next Tuesday. Her blog has become the go-to source for news on the writers' strike, and she's reportedly been working nearly around the clock since it started. "I need a week away from the emails and the comments and the phone calls and the rumors. Most of all, I just need to rest since I've been going, going, going, since the strike started."

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Some adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement hit the streets in front of the paper's Hollywood office on Friday, handing out flyers, waving upside-down American flags and denouncing longtime columnist Marc Cooper. The activists took umbrage with this turn of phrase included in a recent Cooper column on Cynthia McKinney: "She was one of the first high-profile adherents of the official whack-job '9/11 Truth' movement, directly implicating the U.S. government in the staging of the attack on the Twin Towers." The Weekly has a slideshow of the protests.

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In her weekly "Murder Ink" column, Anna Ditkoff factually recounts Baltimore's homicides as they are made public by the police department and gives updates as they go through the legal system. This week, the Single Carrot Theatre compiled all the 2007 columns (282 murders) and did a straight reading of all of them, in order to give a comprehensive view of Baltimore's murder rate. City Paper managing editor Erin Sullivan tells AAN News that the reading was nearly three hours long, there were so many murders to cover.

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