The winners of the Clarion Awards were recently announced, and Patricia Calhoun, editor of Westword, took first place in the Regular Opinion/Editorial category, small circulation division, for her weekly column. Houston Press Staff Writer Todd Spivak also won for his feature story "Against All Odds" in the small circulation division, and SF Weekly Staff Writer Cristi Hegranes won for her feature story "The Identity Makers" in the large circulation division. Both men and women are eligible for the Clarion Awards, which are presented by The Association for Women in Communications.

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Three Village Voice Media writers won first-place awards in the Association of Food Journalists' annual Awards Competition, it was announced at the group's conference on Saturday (press release here in PDF format). Jonathan Kauffman of East Bay Express won the Restaurant Criticism category in the division for papers with circulation under 150,000; Jonathan Gold of LA Weekly won the same category in the circulation 150,000-300,000 division. In addition, Ron Russell of SF Weekly won first place in Food News Reporting, circulation 150,000-300,000. They will each receive a $300 cash prize.

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Liz Spikol, the managing editor of Philadelphia Weekly, has chronicled her struggles with mental illness in her weekly column, on her blog, and now, on YouTube videos. Her latest, "From Depression to Desperation" (below), was briefly on the first page of YouTube's top-rated section. Although the main topic of the video is Spikol's experience with electroshock therapy, the viewer comments often include opinions on Spikol's two pairs of glasses, as PW's "Philadelphia Will Do" blog notes.

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