Bernard Seigal, a.k.a. Buddy Blue, passed away Sunday afternoon. According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, his death "was ruled 'sudden and unexpected' by the county Medical Examiner's Office" and an autopsy is pending. In addition to writing music criticism for OC Weekly and other outlets, the 48-year-old Seigal was a founding member of musical group the Beat Farmers. An L.A. Times obituary quotes OC Weekly Editor Will Swaim praising Seigal as "a gentleman." "You were able to politely disagree with him on any topic -- until it came to music," Swaim said.

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Pete Kotz's upcoming book, "White Trash Etiquette" -- written under the nom de plume Dr. Verne Edstrom, Esq. -- merited his inclusion in a March 18 Washington Post article on "Trailer Park Chic," apparently a hot trend. He was also quoted in an April 3 San Jose Mercury News article on the trashy appeal of the TV show "My Name Is Earl." When questioned on his credentials by AAN News, Kotz said, "I'm probably a half-breed. I'm really good at drinking way too much whiskey and passing out on the asphalt behind the gas station, but I also have this sissy desk job, and the other day I used the word 'poignant,' which is like a gateway drug to much harder sins, like taking up golf. " Broadway Books will release "White Trash Etiquette" on June 13 with a beer-cozy tie-in.

Continue ReadingCleveland Scene Editor Dispenses Advice on White Trash Manners