Superior Court Judge Joan M. Lewis issued a temporary order preventing the San Diego Reader from publishing details about Polyheme, a blood substitute still in testing, that were obtained under the California Public Records Act. Northfield Laboratories Inc. had sued the Reader last month to stop publication of the information, which Northfield calls "trade secrets." On July 28, the Reader had published an article saying that Polyheme was being tested in downtown San Diego and in poor minority neighborhoods, on trauma patients who were unable to consent. A Northfield spokesperson said the two sides would meet next week in an attempt to reach an agreement.

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Kay Hanley, the former frontwoman of Letters to Cleo (of "Here & Now" fame), has written a new song for Phoenix contributer Brett Milano. The catchy single is titled "Cellars by Starlight," which also happens to be the name of the Phoenix music column that Milano wrote for several years. On her Web site, Hanley said of Milano, "Sure, it could be perceived as pandering, but I adore him and he's a freak and he deserves to have a song written for him." The hand-clapping tune is available in MP3 format on the Phoenix Web site.

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