In its second issue since reopening after a seven-month closure, Cleveland Free Times writes a snarling cover story on the finances of its rival Cleveland Scene and its parent, New Times. The story by Editor David Eden charges that the Scene "is living on life support and is awaiting its day of reckoning."

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The gritty new HBO series "The Wire" draws its inspiration from the mean streets of Baltimore, and residents of those streets have decidedly mixed emotions about the portrayal. Baltimore City Paper's Bret McCabe talks to creator David Simon about Baltimore, the new season of the series, his critics in city government, his former bosses at The Sun, and the decline of the working stiff.

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The Texas Legislature, always an entertaining spectacle, has made national headlines this year, sending the legendary Texas Rangers after fugitive Democratic lawmakers. Behind the bombastic redistricting battle, however, another war was being raged -- this one against the environment. Amber Novak looks at the anti-environmental record in the president's home state and to the future of environmental activism for Texas and the nation.

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Growing up in Iraq, Azzam Alwash remembers its wetlands flourishing with life. Then Saddam happened and a centuries-old water culture vanished. Now, Azzam and his wife, Suzie, are returning to his homeland. LA Weekly's Joshuah Bearman talks to them about their plans to help restore marshes once rich with ducks and pelicans and human settlers living in reed homes.

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Tom Picou (pictured), president, chairman, and CEO of the company that owns the Tri-State Defender in Memphis, warns Chicago Reader's Michael Miner to be objective about reports of plagiarism at the paper or "I will not hesitate to come after you." Several former employees say Picou himself was Larry Reeves, the mysterious unpaid freelance writer who lifted stories from AAN papers coast to coast, including the Reader. Picou calls the reports about the Defender's plagiarism "bullshit" and says he never even read Reeves' stories. "I just laid them out. And that was my job."

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Two years ago, Erika Van Meir thought social therapy could change the world. Today, she calls it a cult. Creative Loafing's Steve Fennessy talks with Van Meir about her experiences with the movement founded by Fred Newman, a Marxist and one-time Lyndon LaRouche ally, who terms modern psychology "a fraud." Others in the field, while tolerant of off-beat therapy approaches, call Newman's brand "complete gobbledygook."

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Steven Emerson, who promotes himself as an investigative reporter with special knowledge of radical Islamic terrorists, has abandoned his four-year-old libel suit against the Weekly Planet and former Editor John Sugg. In a 1998 article, Sugg, now a senior editor at Creative Loafing (Atlanta), questioned Emerson's assertions about terrorist plots against him. Emerson sued, saying the articles defamed him. "Emerson never had a case," Planet Publisher Ben Eason says.

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The "wacko, ultra-paranoid neurotics" at Spokane's newer, smaller alt-weekly admit that "they whine more than anyone in town." But that doesn't stop the folks at Local Planet Weekly from issuing a warning: "(W)hen you fuck with our ideas, we're going to go psycho on your ass." And psycho they went when they picked up last week's issue of Pacific Northwest Inlander and found that the cover story, "The State of Radio," employed the same title that LPW had previously used for an award-winning series.

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