Delivery driver Doug Fletcher suffered a fatal heart attack while delivering SEE last Thursday. He was 74 years old. "He was a very loveable personality," says Lorraine Canuel, Fletcher's wife of 16 years. "Anyone who would talk to him, with anybody that he saw or talked to he was always very personable. He was a good man, a very nice person."

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You probably know how much online advertising revenue you're making with your website, but do you know whether you're doing better or worse than everybody else in online sales? Borrell Associates, a research and consulting firm that tracks local advertising and helps media companies develop executive strategies, is currently conducting a survey of AAN members and their online advertising revenues. Andrew Martin, a senior associate with Borrell, will present the results of this benchmarking survey at the upcoming Toronto Convention on Friday morning, July 16. If you need a copy of the survey or have any questions, please contact Debra Silvestrin at debra (at) The deadline to return the survey is June 4.

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In a blog post titled "MEMO TO FOSTER KAMER, RE: DICK JOKE," Village Voice editor Tony Ortega tells Voice blogger Foster Kamer to "stop apologizing for the damn dick joke" about Cablevision CEO James Dolan that has cost the Voice $1 million in advertising. "There's a reason I told Dolan's people to stuff it when they called to complain about your original blog post," Ortega writes. "And that's because your dick joke was spot-on, and a prime example of what we do around here."

Continue ReadingVoice Editor to Blogger: Stop Apologizing for Dolan Dick Joke

Village Voice Media Holdings' Voice Local Network has tapped Analog Analytics to provide a local coupon solution for its publications. The company's software offers interactive coupons for local online publishers and advertisers, as well as a scalable platform to integrate and optimize the performance of both traditional advertising like print with online interactive and mobile. "We are constantly seeking ways to enhance and extend local online advertising, going beyond our own sites," VVM president and COO Scott Tobias says in a release. "Interactive coupons in all media are very effective and Analog Analytics does an excellent job in providing this technology."

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The Western Publishing Association held its banquet on Friday and announced the winners for its annual Maggie Awards, which go to work deemed "The Best in the West." With all five finalists in the overall Tabloids/Consumer category being Village Voice Media papers, we knew an alt-weekly would win, but which would it be? OC Weekly ended up taking home the first-place prize in that category, and the Houston Press finished first for Best Public Service Series or Article/Trade & Consumer for staff writer Chris Vogel's December 2009 story on toxic polluters and lax enforcement at the Houston Ship Channel.

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A little over a month ago, Cablevision subsidiary Independent Film Center pulled its $400/week print ad from the Voice in reaction to a blog post that included a dick joke about Cablevision CEO James Dolan. "That same post has now resulted in all Madison Square Garden Entertainment advertising being pulled from the Village Voice," Foster Kamer reports. "Furthermore, LiveNation -- one of America's biggest concert promoters -- has now pulled all of its advertising from the The Village Voice at the behest of James Dolan, whose MSG Entertainment employs the services of Live Nation/Ticketmaster in their ticketing and promotions operations. In toto, a mediocre dick joke about a media acquisition has now cost this company upwards of $1M in yearly advertising revenue."

Continue ReadingCablevision Head Pulls Even More Advertising from The Village Voice

For more than a year, a Brooklyn police officer secretly recorded his fellow officers and superiors and those tapes have now been obtained by writer Graham Rayman and published by the Village Voice. "They provide an incredible composite into the goings-on of those entrusted with the law, the ones New Yorkers don't know about, and the ones they would definitely want to," Voice blogger Foster Kamer writes. "And the results are as astounding as they are infuriating." The Washington Post's Story Lab agrees, saying the tapes and the story "[capture] a rare look inside the New York City police department. ... Taken together, the recordings provide an intimate look into a place that has been for the most part hidden from the media and the public."

Continue ReadingThe Village Voice Obtains, Publishes Secret NYPD Tapes

On April 28, the California First Amendment Coalition (CFAC) filed a legal complaint against Los Angeles after the council refused to "cure and correct" an inadequately noticed Feb. 18 agenda item that called for 4,000 city workers and positions to be cut. This complaint follows a letter sent by Random Lengths News publisher James Preston Allen to City Council president Garcetti and City Attorney Carmen Trutanich protesting what his paper believes to be a violation of the Brown Act. After Garcetti and Trutanich failed to respond, Allen contacted CFAC, which decided to file suit.

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