AWN Re-brands 15-year-old Advertising Co-operative with New Website and Corporate Design

Sacramento (July 12, 2010)

The Alternative Weekly Network (AWN) has re-launched its website and re-branded itself more closely reflecting its grass-roots-driven alt weekly-based origins.

The redesign features faster load times and a much simpler design for all pages. The new site also houses an online database of 170 print publications, 183 web sites and an information sharing platform which includes a sales blog page where AWN members can interact with one another. The AWN sales staff has added new life to their existing newsletter, enabling members to go inside the blog page and site for a deeper look at sales strategies where registered members can compare successful business topics.

“We’ve been in a constant state of change since March,” added AWN Executive Director, Mark Hanzlik, “moving to new quarters, changing our leadership team, and strategizing sales alternative weeklies from a more communications-based platform.” The final piece of the puzzle was launching the new web site and re-starting the e-newsletter and sales blog which has been in the works for some time according to Hanzlik.

In March, Hanzlik engaged an old friend and ex-Alt Weekly management guru Terry Garrett and his Sustaining Technologies team to build the new site which led to an introduction to designer Michele Lott. Shortly after the process began, Hanzlik says they decided to re-brand AWN entirely with a brand new look that included a new logo and marketing materials. The modular site architecture will allow for additional changes and expandability in the future too.

“We approached the same people who built our site last year because we liked the ease of using the platform, and we wanted to have hands-on control over everything you see on the site.” Hanzlik added, “It was a bonus to be able to achieve the transformation of whole enchilada all at-once.” During the transformation, AWN also launched pages using Facebook and LinkedIn.

AWN members will be invited again to sign up for the AWN e-newsletter and can also update their individual publication pages with cover artwork and information.

About AWN
The Alternative Weekly Network currently has 96 alternative weekly member newspapers as the base of their large print and digital offerings in approximately 150 markets across the U.S. AWN member publications include San Francisco Bay Guardian, Boston Phoenix, Philadelphia City Paper, Willamette Week (Portland) and Sacramento News & Review.

For more information contact:
Sarah Billingsley, AWN Communications Director