Boston Phoenix Replaces Editor

Phoenix Media has announced that Carly Carioli (pictured) will be replacing Lance Gould as editor of the Boston Phoenix effective immediately. Former Phoenix staffer (and 2010 AltWeekly Awards judge) Dan Kennedy reports that Carioli will oversee the print and web content of three AAN members: Boston Phoenix, Portland Phoenix, and Providence Phoenix. The change at Phoenix Media comes on the heels of the significant layoffs of top employees last month, which included CFO/COO Richard Gallagher and corporate controller Michael Notkin.

Carioli moves to the editor position after previously serving as the online editor for several of Phoenix Media’s divisions. He also currently serves on AAN’s Electronic Publishing Committee.

“It’s even more thrilling to be editing today’s Phoenix, because this is our moment: the mainstream media is crumbling, corporate boardrooms are losing their choke-hold on popular culture, and new technologies are empowering all of us to be more creative and to build stronger communities,” Carioli said in an email to Phoenix readers yesterday. “This isn’t the apocalypse; this is the promised land.”

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