Boston’s Weekly Dig Says Goodbye to McMorrow, Hello to Day


BOSTON, MA (November 5, 2007) — Boston’s Weekly Dig announced today that longtime Digster and current news and features editor Paul McMorrow will be leaving this week to pursue his career in writing full time.

McMorrow has been a fixture at the Dig for over four years, and clearly leaves his mark on the present day pub. In addressing his past indiscretions, he quipped,
“I came to the Dig for the same reason anybody does — I was out of school and completely unemployable. I had a pair of useless degrees and a job delivering kegs to people’s houses. I answered an interns-wanted ad; the paper had just fired its editor, they were hiring anybody with a pulse, and I fit the criteria. They sat me down in front of some broken-down computer, between a 60-year-old alcoholic and a Russian girl who never talked but wrote these long, obscenely violent screeds about fascism and stuff. The new editor, Joe Keohane, sent me off to a Rock the Vote debate at Faneuil Hall; I got drunk on John Kerry’s tab, heckled John Edwards, interviewed people who were drunker than I was and filed a story about it. After a year of licking envelopes, mopping out the office’s rancid kegerator, covering City Hall and the State House in a highly dubious manner, and getting paid in beer and gift certificates for free burritos, Jeff and Joe figured I wasn’t going to leave, so they gave me a job. Blame them for anything that’s happened since then.”

Jeff Lawrence, President of the Dig, wasn’t exactly speechless upon hearing Paul would be leaving, “What the fuck?! Are you kidding me?? If we spend another dollar during my lifetime teaching some has-been hack how to write, only to lose them to some two-dollar-a-word freelance job to some questionably reputable rag, I’m going to stab someone in the foot.”


Boston’s Weekly Dig also announced today that David Day will be the new arts and entertainment editor starting November 13.

Day has previously worked as a columnist for the Boston Phoenix, label manager for Forced Exposure, founder of sQuare one productions, and is an avid DJ in Boston and beyond.

Day whipped, “I can’t wait to get to work for the Dig. For years the paper has stood as a unique and singular voice in a city of echoes, and to represent such a force in the music and arts community is something I take very seriously. I’ve always prided myself on the ability to work for independent minds, and there is hardly a more independent voice than that of the Dig.”

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