Creative Loafing (Tampa) Unveils New Website

Joran Oppelt
Marketing + Promotions
Creative Loafing (Tampa)
joran.oppelt (at)

For the past year, you’ve been sending us emails or taking our online surveys and generally telling us what you liked (and didn’t like) about our website. We appreciate all of the feedback and have taken all of your ideas to heart — and for those that haven’t been to the site in a while, I’d like to invite you back, as we’ve recently made some very dramatic changes.

Don’t worry, we’re still delivering the best in Food, Music, News, Movies, Arts and more, but we’ve also added some new categories to our home page (Games & Tech, Sports, Sex & Love) that you might also be interested in. We also have a bunch of new podcasts, video and Twitter feeds and have brought on a ton of local bloggers and contributors to make these sites fresh and interesting — a true community of voices. And if you’d like to join the conversation, you can leave comments on the blogs, or sign up to be a contributor here.

The most dramatic change, however, is how often we update our sites with new information. What used to be weekly updates are now happening around the clock, every second. These pages are never the same twice. I encourage you to come back a few times a day — and even let us know when we’re slacking.

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