East Bay Express Brings Electionland to Californians


The East Bay Express is the exclusive media sponsor of California’s Electionland (Ca.Electionland.com), a nonpartisan social-media web site where voters can ask and answer questions on everything related to the upcoming elections in California. Electionland is the place where the voting public, candidates, nonpartisan experts, and reporters share knowledge, ideas, and voting information.

Electionland is designed to inform the voting public about the things they care about – from finding their polling places to understanding the issues. Between now and election day, the Express will organize and participate in local and statewide events on the web site – connecting with readers directly with candidates, journalists, and experts.

Electionland is a national site designed to drive conversations about elections and voting in all 50 states. Electionland is partnered with Rock the Vote. Founded in 1990, Rock the Vote uses music, pop culture, and technology to engage young people in the political process. It has run the largest young-voter election drives on record during the past five presidential elections, including more than 2 million voters in 2008. As a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, Rock the Vote doesn’t endorse candidates. Rather, it empowers young people to step up and claim their voice in the political process. Rock the Vote has 80 percent brand recognition within its targeted demographic (18- to 29-year-olds) and is able to translate the success of that brand into real results by running innovative and successful voter outreach and registration efforts.


East Bay Express

Kathleen Richards, Managing Editor

(510) 879-3783


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