Ethics Awards Nominations Due

EUGENE, Ore. — February 2, 2005 — Nominations for Payne Awards for Ethics in Journalism are due by Friday, Feb. 25, and winners will be announced in the spring.

Many of those who are nominated for Payne Awards for Ethics in Journalism are professionals caught in ethical dilemmas who solve them by making the right – but not always easy – decisions. The Payne Awards winners in 2005 will show the same professionalism, even while they do the day-to-day work of journalism.

The Payne Awards recognize journalists’ ethical decisions in the face of political or economic pressures. The Awards are provided by the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication.

Awards are given to news organizations, individual journalists and college/university media. Past winners have included:

  • Joel Elliott (Toccoa Falls College) Toccoa, Ga.. – University and College Media Award (2004):
    Faced intense pressure from administrators and students when he continued to report on false statements in the president’s resume.
  • The Voice of America, Washington, D.C. — News Organization Award (2002):
    Ran a post-Sept. 11 interview with Mullah Mohammed Omar despite State Department objections.
  • South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. – News Organization Award (2003):
    Despite threats of subpeonas from the government, the paper published a series of stories revealing failures by the State of Florida’s Department of Children and Families.
  • Jay Harris — Individual Award (2002):
    Resigned as publisher when asked to cut staff to increase profits.
  • Nellie Moore and D’Anne Hamilton – Individual Award (2001):
    Refused to compromise the integrity of Native American radio journalism.

Recognized journalists and outlets can nominate themselves or be nominated by a third party. The nomination letter should explain the decision-making process.

Nominations are being accepted until February 25, 2005, for ethical dilemmas encountered in 2004. More information on the Payne Awards and the simple nomination form is at or by calling 1-888-644-7989.