Fort Worth Weekly Hires Pulitzer Winner

Fort Worth Weekly publisher Lee Newquist announced Friday that the alternative newsweekly has hired Pulitzer-Prize-winner Dan Malone, formerly of the Dallas Morning News, as a staff writer. That makes two Pulitzer Prize winners at the Weekly. (Editor Gayle Reaves also has a Pulitzer on her resume.)

Additionally, Anthony Mariani, former music editor at the Houston Press, has accepted a job as the Weekly’s arts and entertainment editor. Mariani replaces Christy Goldfinch, who is leaving to pursue free-lance writing and editing assignments.

At the Press, Mariani initiated the paper’s first weekly local music column. He left the Press for an assistant editor job at Architecture magazine. His writing on pop culture has appeared in The Village Voice, Vibe, Salon and, among other publications. He is also an artist and illustrator.

Malone won a Pulitzer in 1992 with partner Lorraine Adams, for a series that reported widespread abuses of power by Texas law enforcement agencies. Both Malone and Reaves, earned their Pulitzers while working for the Morning News. Reaves won in international reporting in 1994 as part of a team that reported on violence against women worldwide.

“I’ve known Dan a long time and he’s one of the finest reporters you’ll ever come across,” Reaves said. “There are few people I’d rather share a foxhole or a newsroom with. He’s got 20-plus years of sources and journalistic respect in Fort Worth.”

“The Weekly has always been a gutsy paper. With these hires, added to the top-flight folks we already have on board, I expect us to kick some serious butt,” she said.