HuffPost Cites Success of Smaller Alt-Weeklies

Former L.A. Weekly publisher Michael Sigman says that while the closure of the Boston Phoenix was “a shock to the alternative weekly ecosystem,” many smaller-market alt-weeklies are thriving:

These papers, for the most part, continue to be locally owned and operated, often by their founder/editors. Rather than simply selling ads, they seek to create partnerships with local businesses on virtually a door to door basis. Some have become innovators in finding non-advertiser revenue, via local business directories, online stores, social media management or other digital marketing services …

The Boise Weekly (circulation 32,000) is expanding its reach to serve as something of a hybrid of an alt-weekly and a daily, multimedia news source. AAN executive director Tiffany Shackelford says Boise Weekly owner Sally Freeman, “has positioned her paper to become the local breaking news source in town.

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