It’s All Journalism: Ben Wikler is looking for a good fight

It’s All Journalism is a weekly conversation about the changing state of the media and the future of journalism.

Ben Wikler is always looking to do some good, whether it’s as the Washington director of, the political advocacy group, or as the host of The Good Fight, a podcast that loves telling David vs. Goliath tales.

We talked to Ben back in 2013, when he told us about his journey toward advocacy, his time at The Onion and his experiences working with Al Franken on Air America and on Franken’s book, “Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.”

Ben also told us about his friendship with Aaron Swartz and the experience launching their first podcast, The Flaming Sword of Justice — a name that we at It’s All Journalism love and, when Ben’s back is turned, we plan on stealing.

As The Good Fight enters its second year, Ben is turning to his listeners to help him with his own David vs. Goliath tale. He’s started a Kickstarter campaign to raise $100,000 to help fund the podcast.

While we can’t tell you how to spend you money, we do think The Good Fight is a good thing to fight for. While the rest of us schlubs are podcasting about feel-good things like movies, video games, football and other nonsense — saving journalism, indeed! — Ben is actually doing some good. That should be worth something.

Find out more about The Good Fight with Ben Wikler’s Kickstarter Campaign.