‘Legal Hotline Live’ Returns on May 1

Legal Hotline Live — a monthly conference call with AAN attorney Kevin M. Goldberg — returns Thursday, May 1 at 2 p.m. Eastern.

During the 30-minute forum, Goldberg will answer member questions on legal topics, including free speech and copyright issues.

Goldberg’s legal Q&A sessions at AAN conferences have been enormously popular, and this monthly forum gives AAN members more frequent opportunities to ask him questions and educate themselves on legal matters. All members are welcome to participate free of charge.

To participate, send an email to web[at]aan.org for the call-in number and access code.

Additional Info:
Kevin M. Goldberg is a member of the law firm of Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC, where he works in all areas of media law but has a particular focus on issues that are of importance to journalists and journalism organizations. From state and federal FOIA issues to reporter’s privilege and newsroom searches to taking photos, videos and otherwise acquiring information in public areas on the newsgathering side to problems involving defamation, invasion of privacy and copyright infringement on the publication side, he can provide information AAN members need before working on stories and help by reviewing them before publication.

Kevin would like us to remind you that he can only provide generalized legal information, not binding legal advice. Discussions with him do not create an attorney/client relationship, and you most definitely should not hold him out to others as “your attorney” on issues discussed during the forum.

Kevin’s slides from the AAN Digital Conference in San Francisco can be found here: From Bieber to the Beasties: 5 Recent Copyright Issues and What We Can Learn from Them.