Missoula Independent Spreads Holiday Cheer

Special section revenues donated to charity

In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, the Missoula Independent hopes to rally western Montanans around our shared feelings of compassion for our neighbors and the people of the world. Toward that end, the Independent will publish a special section of the paper on Dec. 20, called “Neighbor to Neighbor and Soul to Soul.” All of the advertising revenue from this special section will be donated to the Missoula Food Bank and to Oxfam International for hunger relief in Afghanistan.

Along with the anticipated advertisements carrying seasonal messages and prayers, “Neighbor to Neighbor and Soul to Soul” will include articles profiling prominent local social service agencies and highlighting the work they do. The Independent wants to remind readers that peace and security start right here at home, with good work and good will toward our neighbors, while also allowing local businesses to demonstrate that their concern for others extends beyond our home town to the hungry people of Afghanistan.

Both businesses and private individuals are encouraged to participate by purchasing an advertisement in this special section of the Independent. The ads themselves will provide instant recognition for the contributors, and offer a unique opportunity for advertisers to show their community spirit and send a special message of caring.

“When the terrorists attacked, it was clear that a massive response was necessary, and it seemed obvious that all of us would be called upon to contribute in some way,” says Independent Publisher Matt Gibson. “‘Soul to Soul’ came out of the Independent’s desire to be a constructive force in our community and the world, and it will provide a great opportunity for local businesses to show their generosity.”

By couching their donation as an advertisement, local businesses will be able to deduct the entire amount of the contribution as a legitimate business expense, rather than just a portion as with a normal charitable donation. In addition, their advertisements will get valuable exposure and show their community spirit.

Gibson, who also serves as President of the Missoula Food Bank, emphasized that 100% of the proceeds from this special section will be passed on to the Food Bank and Oxfam. All of the publication costs will be covered by the Missoula Independent, so advertisers can feel confident that every penny of their money will be put to use helping the needy.